
Performance #

A large amount of info in this guide is sourced from this guide by Echo.

SteamVR #

If you use SteamVR, see SteamVR Performance tips.


If you use the FOSS VR stack, see FOSS VR Performance tips.

General Optimization #

  • Make sure your UEFI/BIOS is up to date
  • Keep your Chipset drivers updated
  • Keep your GPU drivers updated
  • Run as few programs as possible
  • Close excessive browser tabs
  • Clear out bloat from your PC

VRChat #

Graphics / Graphics Quality #

  • Graphics Quality: Custom
  • Anti-Aliasing: Disabled
  • Mirror Resolution: Quarter
  • Shadow Quality: Low
  • LOD Quality: Low
  • Partical Physics Quality: Low

Graphics / Common #

  • Particle Limiter: On
  • Pixel Light Count: Low
  • Vertical Field of View: 60°
  • Forced Camera Near Distance: Off

Avatars / Avatar Optimizations #

  • Block Poorly Optimized Avatars: Very Poor
  • Convert Dynamic Bones to PhysBones: On

Avatars / Avatar Culling #

  • Hide Avatars Beyond: 20m
  • Maximum Shown Avatars: 15
  • Always Show Friend Avatars: Off
  • Allow Override with “Show Avatar”: Off

Avatar Optimization #

Use d4rkc0d3r’s Avatar Optimizer, also follow the VRChat Avatar Optimization Tips.